polynomial-algebra-0.0: polynomial and exterior algebrasContentsIndex
(<#>) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
newtype ExteriorMonomial symb = EM [symb]
type ExteriorTerm symb coeff = (ExteriorMonomial symb, coeff)
toExteriorMonomial :: (Ord symb, Num coeff) => [symb] -> Maybe (ExteriorTerm symb coeff)
toExteriorTerm :: (Ord symb, Num coeff) => [symb] -> coeff -> Maybe (ExteriorTerm symb coeff)
mulExteriorTerm :: (Ord symb, Num coeff) => ExteriorTerm symb coeff -> ExteriorTerm symb coeff -> Maybe (ExteriorTerm symb coeff)
showExteriorMonomialWith :: (symb -> String) -> ExteriorMonomial symb -> String
exteriorMonomP :: Num c => Parser (ExteriorTerm Symbol c)
extAlgP :: Parser (ExtAlg Integer)
parseExtAlg :: String -> ExtAlg Integer
newtype ExtAlgebra symb coeff = E {
unE :: FreeMod (ExteriorMonomial symb) coeff
type ExtAlg c = ExtAlgebra Symbol c
(/\) :: (Ord s, Num c) => ExtAlgebra s c -> ExtAlgebra s c -> ExtAlgebra s c
fromLinear :: (Ord s, Num c) => FreeMod s c -> ExtAlgebra s c
(<#>) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
newtype ExteriorMonomial symb
EM [symb]
show/hide Instances
Eq symb => Eq (ExteriorMonomial symb)
Ord symb => Ord (ExteriorMonomial symb)
Show symb => Show (ExteriorMonomial symb)
Pretty symb => Pretty (ExteriorMonomial symb)
type ExteriorTerm symb coeff = (ExteriorMonomial symb, coeff)
toExteriorMonomial :: (Ord symb, Num coeff) => [symb] -> Maybe (ExteriorTerm symb coeff)
The result may be zero if there is a repeated symbol; this case is encoded as Nothing.
toExteriorTerm :: (Ord symb, Num coeff) => [symb] -> coeff -> Maybe (ExteriorTerm symb coeff)
mulExteriorTerm :: (Ord symb, Num coeff) => ExteriorTerm symb coeff -> ExteriorTerm symb coeff -> Maybe (ExteriorTerm symb coeff)
showExteriorMonomialWith :: (symb -> String) -> ExteriorMonomial symb -> String
exteriorMonomP :: Num c => Parser (ExteriorTerm Symbol c)
extAlgP :: Parser (ExtAlg Integer)
parseExtAlg :: String -> ExtAlg Integer
newtype ExtAlgebra symb coeff
unE :: FreeMod (ExteriorMonomial symb) coeff
show/hide Instances
(Eq symb, Eq coeff) => Eq (ExtAlgebra symb coeff)
(Ord symb, Ord coeff) => Ord (ExtAlgebra symb coeff)
(Show symb, Show coeff) => Show (ExtAlgebra symb coeff)
(Ord symb, Real coeff, Pretty symb) => Pretty (ExtAlgebra symb coeff)
(Ord s, Num c) => FreeModule (ExtAlgebra s c)
(Ord s, Num c) => Algebra (ExtAlgebra s c)
type ExtAlg c = ExtAlgebra Symbol c
(/\) :: (Ord s, Num c) => ExtAlgebra s c -> ExtAlgebra s c -> ExtAlgebra s c
fromLinear :: (Ord s, Num c) => FreeMod s c -> ExtAlgebra s c
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