Description |
The full, mutable API in the IO monad.
Synopsis |
module Data.Bitmap.Base | | newBitmap :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Size -> NChn -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | newBitmapUninitialized :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Size -> NChn -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | createSingleChannelBitmap :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Size -> Maybe Alignment -> (Int -> Int -> t) -> IO (Bitmap t) | | copyBitmapFromPtr :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Size -> NChn -> Padding -> Ptr t -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | bitmapFromForeignPtrUnsafe :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Size -> NChn -> Alignment -> Padding -> ForeignPtr t -> Bitmap t | | withBitmap :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> (Size -> NChn -> Padding -> Ptr t -> IO a) -> IO a | | componentMap :: PixelComponent s => (s -> s) -> Bitmap s -> IO (Bitmap s) | | componentMap' :: (PixelComponent s, PixelComponent t) => (s -> t) -> Bitmap s -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | componentMapInPlace :: PixelComponent s => (s -> s) -> Bitmap s -> IO () | | copySubImage :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Size -> IO (Bitmap t) | | copySubImage' :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Size -> Size -> Offset -> IO (Bitmap t) | | copySubImageInto :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Size -> Bitmap t -> Offset -> IO () | | combineChannels :: forall t. PixelComponent t => [Bitmap t] -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | extractChannels :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Maybe Alignment -> IO [Bitmap t] | | extractSingleChannel :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Maybe Alignment -> Int -> IO (Bitmap t) | | extractChannelInto :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int -> Bitmap t -> Int -> IO () | | bilinearResample :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Size -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | bilinearResampleChannel :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int -> Size -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | bilinearResampleChannelInto :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int -> Bitmap t -> Int -> IO () | | blendBitmaps :: PixelComponent t => Float -> Float -> Bitmap t -> Bitmap t -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | blendChannels :: PixelComponent t => Float -> Float -> Bitmap t -> Int -> Bitmap t -> Int -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | blendChannelsInto :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Float -> Float -> Bitmap t -> Int -> Bitmap t -> Int -> Bitmap t -> Int -> IO () | | powerlawGammaCorrection :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Float -> Bitmap t -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | powerlawGammaCorrectionChannel :: PixelComponent t => Float -> Bitmap t -> Int -> Maybe Alignment -> IO (Bitmap t) | | powerlawGammaCorrectionChannelInto :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Float -> Bitmap t -> Int -> Bitmap t -> Int -> IO () | | copyBitmapToByteString :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> IO ByteString | | copyBitmapFromByteString :: forall t. PixelComponent t => ByteString -> Size -> NChn -> Padding -> IO (Bitmap t) | | withComponentPtr :: forall t a. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Int -> (Ptr t -> IO a) -> IO a | | unsafeReadComponent :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Int -> IO t | | unsafeWriteComponent :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Int -> t -> IO () | | unsafeReadComponents :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Int -> Int -> IO [t] | | unsafeWriteComponents :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> Int -> [t] -> IO () | | unsafeReadPixel :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> IO [t] | | unsafeReadPixel1 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> IO t | | unsafeReadPixel2 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> IO (t, t) | | unsafeReadPixel3 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> IO (t, t, t) | | unsafeReadPixel4 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> IO (t, t, t, t) | | unsafeWritePixel1 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> t -> IO () | | unsafeWritePixel2 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> (t, t) -> IO () | | unsafeWritePixel3 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> (t, t, t) -> IO () | | unsafeWritePixel4 :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Offset -> (t, t, t, t) -> IO () |
Documentation |
module Data.Bitmap.Base |
Creating and accessing bitmaps
:: forall t . PixelComponent t | | => Size | (width,height)
| -> NChn | number of channels (components/pixel)
| -> Maybe Alignment | the row alignment of the new image
| -> IO (Bitmap t) | | Note: we cannot guarantee the alignment
of the memory block (but typically it is aligned at least to machine word boundary),
but what we can guarantee is that the rows are properly padded.
At the moment, the default alignment is 4, valid alignments are 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16,
and the padding method is compatible with the OpenGL one (that is, the padding is the
smallest multiple of a component size such that the next row is aligned).
The resulting new bitmap is filled with zeros.
createSingleChannelBitmap | Source |
:: forall t . PixelComponent t | | => Size | (width,height)
| -> Maybe Alignment | the row alignment of the new image
| -> Int -> Int -> t | the function we will use to fill the bitmap
| -> IO (Bitmap t) | | Creates a new single-channel bitmap, using the given function to compute
the pixel values.
Warning, this is probably slow!
withBitmap bitmap $ \(w,h) nchn padding ptr -> ... |
Mapping over bitmaps
Maps a function over each component of each pixel. Warning: this is probably slow!
Use a specialized function if there is one for your task.
Cropping and extending
:: PixelComponent t | | => Bitmap t | source image
| -> Offset | source rectangle offset
| -> Size | source rectangle size
| -> Size | target image size
| -> Offset | target rectangle offset
| -> IO (Bitmap t) | | Copy into a new "black" bitmap; common generalization of crop and extend.
:: PixelComponent t | | => Bitmap t | source image
| -> Offset | source rectangle offset
| -> Size | source rectangle size
| -> Bitmap t | target image
| -> Offset | target rectangle offset
| -> IO () | | The source rectangle may be arbitrary, may or may not intersect the
source image in any way. We only copy the intersection of the rectangle
with the image.
Manipulating channels
Bilinear resampling
bilinearResampleChannelInto | Source |
:: PixelComponent t | | => Float | weight1
| -> Float | weight2
| -> Bitmap t | source1 image
| -> Bitmap t | source2 image
| -> Maybe Alignment | target alignment
| -> IO (Bitmap t) | | Blends two bitmaps with the given weights; that is, the result is
the specified linear combination. If the values are outside the allowed
range (this can happen with the Word8, Word16, Word32 types and weights
whose sum is bigger than 1, or with a negative weight), then they are
clipped. The clipping does not happen with the Float component type.
Gamma correction
:: forall t . PixelComponent t | | => Float | gamma
| -> Bitmap t | source bitmap
| -> Maybe Alignment | target alignment
| -> IO (Bitmap t) | | This is equivalent to componentMap (c -> c^gamma), except that
(^) is defined only for integral exponents; but should be faster anyway.
powerlawGammaCorrectionChannel | Source |
powerlawGammaCorrectionChannelInto | Source |
Conversion to/from ByteString
The data is copied, not shared. Note that the resulting ByteString is
encoded using the host machine's endianness, so it may be not compatible
across different architectures!
The data is copied, not shared.
Note that we expect the ByteString to be encoded
encoded using the host machine's endianness.
Reading and writing pixels
:: forall t a . PixelComponent t | | => Bitmap t | the bitmap
| -> Offset | position (x,y)
| -> Int | channel index {0,1,...,nchannels-1}
| -> Ptr t -> IO a | user action
| -> IO a | | Note that the resulting pointer is valid only within a line (because of the padding)
:: PixelComponent t | | => Bitmap t | the bitmap
| -> Offset | position (x,y)
| -> Int | channel index {0,1,...,nchannels-1}
| -> IO t | | It is not very efficient to read/write lots of pixels this way.
:: PixelComponent t | | => Bitmap t | the bitmap
| -> Offset | position (x,y)
| -> Int | channel index {0,1,...,nchannels-1}
| -> Int | the number of components to read
| -> IO [t] | | Please note that the component array to read shouldn't cross
the boundary between lines.
:: PixelComponent t | | => Bitmap t | the bitmap
| -> Offset | position (x,y)
| -> Int | channel index {0,1,...,nchannels-1}
| -> [t] | the components to write
| -> IO () | | Please note that the component array to write shouldn't cross
the boundary between lines.
These functions assume that the number of channels of the bitmap
agrees with the number suffix of the function.
(Maybe I should put
the number of components into the Bitmap type? But that would cause
different problems...)
Produced by Haddock version 2.4.1 |