bitmap-0.0.1: A library for handling and manipulating bitmaps.Source codeContentsIndex
class (Num t, Storable t) => PixelComponent t
data PixelComponentType
= PctWord8
| PctWord16
| PctWord32
| PctFloat
pixelComponentSize :: PixelComponentType -> Int
pixelComponentType :: PixelComponent t => t -> PixelComponentType
type Size = (Int, Int)
type Offset = (Int, Int)
type NChn = Int
type Alignment = Int
type Padding = Int
data Bitmap t
bitmapSize :: Bitmap t -> Size
bitmapNChannels :: Bitmap t -> NChn
bitmapRowPadding :: Bitmap t -> Padding
bitmapRowAlignment :: Bitmap t -> Alignment
bitmapAspect :: Fractional a => Bitmap t -> a
bitmapComponentSizeInBytes :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int
bitmapPixelSizeInBytes :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int
bitmapPaddedRowSizeInBytes :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int
bitmapUnpaddedRowSizeInBytes :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int
bitmapSizeInBytes :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> Int
class (Num t, Storable t) => PixelComponent t Source
show/hide Instances
data PixelComponentType Source
show/hide Instances
pixelComponentSize :: PixelComponentType -> IntSource
pixelComponentType :: PixelComponent t => t -> PixelComponentTypeSource
type Size = (Int, Int)Source
type Offset = (Int, Int)Source
type NChn = IntSource
type Alignment = IntSource
type Padding = IntSource
data Bitmap t Source
show/hide Instances
bitmapSize :: Bitmap t -> SizeSource
bitmapNChannels :: Bitmap t -> NChnSource
number of channels (eg. 3 for RGB)
bitmapRowPadding :: Bitmap t -> PaddingSource
the padding of the rows, measured in bytes
bitmapRowAlignment :: Bitmap t -> AlignmentSource
the alignment of the rows (in bytes)
bitmapAspect :: Fractional a => Bitmap t -> aSource
The width divided by the height.
bitmapComponentSizeInBytes :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> IntSource
bitmapPixelSizeInBytes :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> IntSource
bitmapPaddedRowSizeInBytes :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> IntSource
bitmapUnpaddedRowSizeInBytes :: forall t. PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> IntSource
bitmapSizeInBytes :: PixelComponent t => Bitmap t -> IntSource
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