-- | Possibly indexed symbols.

module Math.FreeModule.Symbol where


import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set


data Symbol = Symbol
  { _name  :: String
  , _index :: Maybe Int
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)


-- | Shows the symbols in @\"alpha[5]\"@ style
showSymbol :: Symbol -> String
showSymbol (Symbol name idx) = case idx of
  Just j  -> name ++ "[" ++ show j ++ "]"
  Nothing -> name

-- | Shows the symbols in @\"alpha5\"@ style
showSymbol' :: Symbol -> String
showSymbol' (Symbol name idx) = case idx of
  Just j  -> name ++ show j 
  Nothing -> name

-- | Shows the symbols in @\"\\alpha_{5}\"@ style
showSymbolLatex :: Symbol -> String
showSymbolLatex (Symbol name idx) = 
  case idx of
    Just j  -> name' ++ "_{" ++ show j ++ "}"
    Nothing -> name'
    name' = if Set.member name latexGreek
      then '\\' : name
      else name

latexGreek :: Set String
latexGreek = Set.fromList (latexSmallGreek ++ latexCapitalGreek)

latexSmallGreek :: [String]
latexSmallGreek =
  [ "alpha"
  , "beta"
  , "gamma"
  , "delta"
  , "epsilon"
  , "zeta"
  , "eta"
  , "theta"
  , "iota"
  , "kappa"
  , "lambda"
  , "mu"
  , "nu"
  , "xi"
  , "pi"
  , "rho"
  , "sigma"
  , "tau"
  , "upsilon"
  , "phi"
  , "chi"
  , "psi"
  , "omega"
latexCapitalGreek :: [String]
latexCapitalGreek =
  [ "Gamma"
  , "Delta"
  , "Theta"
  , "Lambda"
  , "Xi"
  , "Pi"
  , "Sigma"
  , "Upsilon"
  , "Phi"
  , "Psi"