-- | Class interface to different free module implementations.
-- Free modules are like maps from a base type to a numeric type,
-- with the additional invariant that the values are never zero.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, CPP #-}
module Math.FreeModule.Class where


-- | generic baseMap implementation, converts to list and back.
baseMap  :: (FreeModule x, FreeModule y, Coeff x ~ Coeff y) => (Base x -> Base y) -> x -> y 
baseMap f = fromList . map h . toList where h (b,c) = (f b, c)

-- | generic coeffMap implementation, converts to list and back.
coeffMap :: (FreeModule x, FreeModule y, Base x ~ Base y) => (Coeff x -> Coeff y) -> x -> y 
coeffMap g = fromList . map h . toList  where h (b,c) = (b, g c)


class (Ord (Base a), Eq (Coeff a), Num (Coeff a)) => FreeModule a where
  type Base  a :: *
  type Coeff a :: *

  isZero    :: a -> Bool
  zero      :: a
  fromBase  :: Base a -> a
  fromTerm  :: Base a -> Coeff a -> a
  (^+^)     :: a -> a -> a
  (^-^)     :: a -> a -> a
  neg       :: a -> a
  scalarMul :: Coeff a -> a -> a

  -- | We should call the function even when the given base is present  
  -- only in one of the arguments! So that @unionWith (-)@ works correctly.
  unionWith  :: (Coeff a -> Coeff a -> Coeff a) -> a -> a -> a
  coeff      :: Base a -> a -> Coeff a
  size       :: a -> Int 
  minTerm    :: a -> (Base a, Coeff a)
  maxTerm    :: a -> (Base a, Coeff a)
  -- | split into two approximately equal parts @x@ and @y@, such that
  -- @maxTerm x < minTerm y@
  split      :: a -> (a, a)
  -- | we assume that @maxTerm x < minTerm y@
  unsafeJoin :: a -> a -> a
  toList     :: a -> [(Base a, Coeff a)]
  fromList   :: [(Base a, Coeff a)] -> a
  fromAscendingList :: [(Base a, Coeff a)] -> a
  isZero x = (size x == 0)
  neg x    = scalarMul (-1) x
  x ^+^ y  = unionWith (+) x y
  x ^-^ y  = unionWith (-) x y -- x ^+^ (neg y)
  fromAscendingList = fromList
  fromBase b = fromTerm b 1
  fromTerm b c = scalarMul c (fromBase b)

(*^) :: FreeModule a => Coeff a -> a -> a 
(*^) = scalarMul

(^*) :: FreeModule a => a -> Coeff a -> a
(^*) = flip scalarMul

infixl 6 ^+^
infixl 6 ^-^

infixl 7 *^
infixl 7 ^*


lookupTerm :: FreeModule a => Base a -> a -> Maybe (Base a, Coeff a)
lookupTerm b x = 
  case coeff b x of
    0 -> Nothing
    c -> Just (b,c)

minTermMaybe :: FreeModule a => a -> Maybe (Base a, Coeff a)
minTermMaybe x = if isZero x then Nothing else Just (minTerm x)

maxTermMaybe :: FreeModule a  => a -> Maybe (Base a, Coeff a)
maxTermMaybe x = if isZero x then Nothing else Just (maxTerm x)