imp-frp-0.0.0: Experimental FRP system.ContentsIndex
More combinators for events and reactive values. This module is re-exported by FRP.Imp, so you don't have to import it manually.
constant :: a -> Reactive a
countE :: Event a -> Event (Int, a)
countE_ :: Event a -> Event Int
countR :: Event a -> Reactive Int
once :: Event a -> Event a
justE :: Event (Maybe a) -> Event a
snapshot :: Reactive a -> Event b -> Event a
withPrevEWith' :: a -> (a -> a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
withPrevE' :: a -> Event a -> Event (a, a)
withPrevEWith :: (a -> a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
withPrevE :: Event a -> Event (a, a)
zipE :: (a, b) -> Event a -> Event b -> Event (a, b)
pairR :: Reactive a -> Reactive b -> Reactive (a, b)
scanE :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event b -> Event a
remember :: Event a -> Reactive [a]
monoidE :: Monoid a => Event a -> Event a
monoidR :: Monoid a => Event a -> Reactive a
flipFlopE :: Bool -> Event a -> Event Bool
flipFlopR :: Bool -> Event a -> Reactive Bool
flipFlopE' :: Bool -> Event a -> Event b -> Event Bool
flipFlopR' :: Bool -> Event a -> Event b -> Reactive Bool
mergeEvents :: [Event a] -> Event a
sequenceR :: [Reactive a] -> Reactive [a]
mergeE_ :: Event a -> Event b -> Event ()
constant :: a -> Reactive a
countE :: Event a -> Event (Int, a)
countE_ :: Event a -> Event Int
countR :: Event a -> Reactive Int
once :: Event a -> Event a
justE :: Event (Maybe a) -> Event a
snapshot :: Reactive a -> Event b -> Event a
withPrevEWith' :: a -> (a -> a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
The first argument of the combinator function is the old value, the second is the new one.
withPrevE' :: a -> Event a -> Event (a, a)
The first value of the pair is the old value.
withPrevEWith :: (a -> a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
Like above, but the first occurence will be ignored.
withPrevE :: Event a -> Event (a, a)
The first occurence will be ignored.
zipE :: (a, b) -> Event a -> Event b -> Event (a, b)
pairR :: Reactive a -> Reactive b -> Reactive (a, b)
scanE :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Event b -> Event a
better name?
remember :: Event a -> Reactive [a]
Stores all the occurences of the event in reverse chronological order (so that updating is fast).
monoidE :: Monoid a => Event a -> Event a
monoidR :: Monoid a => Event a -> Reactive a
flipFlopE :: Bool -> Event a -> Event Bool
flipFlopR :: Bool -> Event a -> Reactive Bool
flipFlopE' :: Bool -> Event a -> Event b -> Event Bool
First event flips it to True, the second to False. The result is the event of transitions.
flipFlopR' :: Bool -> Event a -> Event b -> Reactive Bool
mergeEvents :: [Event a] -> Event a
sequenceR :: [Reactive a] -> Reactive [a]
mergeE_ :: Event a -> Event b -> Event ()
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