-- | Skew tableau diagrams.
-- <<svg/skew_tableau.svg>>

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
module Math.Combinat.Diagrams.Tableaux.Skew where


import Math.Combinat.Partitions
import Math.Combinat.Partitions.Skew
import Math.Combinat.Tableaux.Skew

import Math.Combinat.Diagrams.Partitions.Skew

import Linear.Vector

import Data.Colour

import Diagrams.Core
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.TwoD.Text


-- | Draws a Ferrers diagram with the default settings (English notation, black)
  :: (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b) 
  => SkewTableau Int 
  -> QDiagram b V2 Double Any
drawSkewTableau = drawSkewTableau' EnglishNotation black False

  :: (Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)
  => PartitionConvention      -- ^ orientation
  -> Colour Double            -- ^ color of the numbers
  -> Bool                     -- ^ whether to draw the inner partition
  -> SkewTableau Int
  -> QDiagram b V2 Double Any
drawSkewTableau' convention color drawInner tableau = numbers <> boxes where

  skewPart = skewTableauShape tableau
  xas :: [(Int,[Int])]
  SkewTableau xas = tableau

  n = length xas
  numbers = mconcat [ number (j+x) i a | (i,(x,as)) <- zip [(0::Int)..n-1] xas , (j,a)<-zip [(0::Int)..] as ]
          # lc color

  number  x y a = trafo x y $ scale (0.85 :: Double) $ text (show a) # lw none # lc color # fc color 

  v = 0.22 :: Double

  trafo   x y   = case convention of
    EnglishNotation    -> translate (r2 (0.5 + fromIntegral x , - 1 + v - fromIntegral y)) 
    EnglishNotationCCW -> translate (r2 (0.5 + fromIntegral y ,       v + fromIntegral x))
    FrenchNotation     -> translate (r2 (0.5 + fromIntegral x ,       v + fromIntegral y))                          

  -- numberSize = 0.35  :: Double
  -- linewidth  = 0.025 :: Double

  boxes = if drawInner
    then drawSkewPartitionBoxesWithInner (lightgray,black) convention skewPart
    else drawSkewPartitionBoxes convention skewPart
